Saturday, October 21, 2017

Download link of Blue Whale

The Blue Whale Game (Russian: Синий кит, translit. Siniy kit), also known as "Blue Whale Challenge", is a 21st-century social network phenomenon that is claimed to exist in several countries, beginning in 2016. The game reportedly consists of a series of tasks assigned to players by administrators over a 50-day period, with the final challenge requiring the player to commit suicide.[1][2]
"Blue Whale" came to prominence in May 2016 through an article in Russian newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, that linked many unrelated child suicides to membership of group "F57" on the Russian-based VKontakte social network. A wave of moral panic swept Russia.[3] However the piece was later criticised for attempting to make a causal link where none existed, and none of the suicides was found to be as a result of the group activities.[3][4][5]

Download link of Blue Whale

Reported cases


In San Juan Province, Argentina, a 14-year-old boy was admitted to intensive care after claiming on social media he was participating in Blue Whale.[18]


Many news reports have published on Bangladeshi media about attempted suicide related with the game.[19][20] A teenage girl committed suicide allegedly from the addiction of the game in October, 2017.[21] A Chittagong University student was arrested by the Bangladeshi police for playing the game.[22]


Several news reports have appeared on Brazilian media linking cases of child self-harm and suicide with Blue Whale. Police have several ongoing investigations, although as yet none has been officially confirmed.[23][24][25] Altogether, eight Brazilian states had cases of suicide and self-mutilation suspected to be connected with the game.[26]


The first news about Blue Whale appeared in Bulgaria in mid-February 2017. The Safer Internet Centre, established under the Safer Internet plus Programme of the European Commission, responded quickly. "(T)his sensationalistic story was inflated by a number of our clickbait websites creating a wave of panic among parents", Centre Coordinator Georgi Apostolov reported.
"We decided not to initiate contact directly with the media since this would attract additional interest and could mislead the public into believing the story to be somehow true. As the hype was magnified by thousands sharing the story on the social networks, we just published a warning on our website and spread the link in comments under all shared in Facebook articles and posts. Then the mainstream media themselves started asking us for interviews and quoting our conclusions that it evidently was a hoax."[27]
Two discussion groups about suicide opened on Facebook, but were quickly reported and deleted. The diffusion of the viral news was stopped within two weeks. Later, when a sensationalist piece in the Romanian newspaper Gandul resulted in five more articles being published in Bulgaria that reported the challenge as real, media again circulated SIC's positions, and the hoax was stopped immediately.


Media in Chile have reported three cases of children suspected of involvement with 'Blue Whale'. In Antofagasta, a mother reported to the police that her 12-year-old daughter had 15 cuts on her arm that formed the design of a whale. After being interviewed by police officers, the girl confessed that she followed game administrator's instructions while playing this game.[28] A 13-year-old girl in Padre Las Casas claimed to have played the game along with three other friends. The girl reached the tenth stage, also making cuts in her arms.[29] An 11-year-old boy in Temuco accepted an invitation to join the game on Facebook in 2017 from an unidentified woman, but declined to participate after being contacted by a profile named "Ballena Azul".[30]


A suicide group was founded by a 10-year-old girl in Ningbo, Zhejiang; who posted several photos of her self-mutilation related to the Blue Whale.[31] Since then authorities began to monitor mentions of the game on forums and live broadcasts.[32]


Throughout 2017 media in India has reported several cases of child suicide, self harm and attempted suicide alleged to be a result of Blue Whale,[33][34][35][36] although no case has been officially confirmed.[6] In August 2017, the Government of India's Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology requested that several internet companies (including Google, Facebook, and Yahoo) remove all links which direct users to the game.[7] Some commentators accused the government of creating a moral panic. Indian internet watchdog the Centre for Internet and Society has accused the coverage of effectively spreading and advertising a ‘game’ for which there is little evidence. [7] In India suicide was the second most common form of death of children, according to a 2012 report.[6]


In Italy, press coverage of 'Blue Whale' first appeared on 3 June 2016, in the newspaper La Stampa, which described the challenge as "a bad joke".[37]
The debunking site BUTAC reported the total lack of evidence to affirm the game's existence. On 14 May 2017, a TV report by Le Iene about 'Blue Whale' on the national channel Italia 1[38] linked the challenge to an unconnected suicide in Livorno, Italy. The report showed several suicide scenes, mostly from videos on LiveLeak depicting adults unrelated to the challenge. It incorrectly described the footage as evidence of teenagers playing the game. The report interviewed a schoolmate of the Livorno teenager, two mothers of Russian girls who supposedly took part in the game, and the founder of the Russian Center for the safety of children from internet crimes. Following the report, coverage of the challenge in the Italian media increased, with many outlets describing it as real. There was a sharp rise in Google searches for the challenge, and some panic.
On 15 and 16 May, newspapers announced the arrest of Budeikin, without saying that it happened months before. His unconfirmed statements about his supposed victims being "genetical rubbish" were reported as real. Paolo Attivissimo, a journalist and debunker of hoaxes, described the game as "a death myth dangerously exaggerated by sensationalist journalism". Police received calls from terrified parents and teachers, and there were reports of teenagers taking part in the challenge. These included several cases of self-mutilation and attempted suicide. Most reports were considered to be false or exaggerated. Alleged participants were reported from all over Italy: Ravenna,[39] Brescia[40] and Siracusa.[41]
On May 22, 2017 the Polizia Postale declared that they had received 40 alarms. On the 24th this number was increased to 70. On its website the Polizia Postale defines Blue Whale as "a practice that seems to possibly come from Russia" and offers advice to parents and teenagers.[42] Several alleged cases have since been described by newspapers.[43]


In Nairobi County a student in Kiambu County, had played the Blue Whale challenge. He committed suicide on 3 May at the hotel owned by his grandfather in the city centre.[44]


On September 13, 2017, Pakistan reported its first two victims from the province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK).[45]


Three pupils of a primary school in Pyrzyce self harmed, allegedly under the influence of the 'Blue Whale' challenge.[46][47]


An 18-year-old girl was admitted to hospital with mutilations on her body in Albufeira after she threw herself from an overpass to the railway line. Police, parents and friends said that the girl had been motivated to do so by a person on the Internet named as "Blue Whale".[48] In an interview with RTP, she said that she felt alone, and lacking affection.[49]


In March 2017, authorities in Russia were investigating approximately 130 separate cases of suicide related to the phenomenon. In February a 15-year-old and 16-year-old threw themselves off the top of a 14-story building in Irkutsk, Siberia after completing 50 tasks sent to them. Before they killed themselves together, they left messages on their pages on social networks.[50][51] Also in February, a 15-year-old was in critical condition after throwing herself out of an apartment and falling on snow-covered ground in the town of Krasnoyarsk, also in Siberia.[52]
On 11 May 2017, Russian media reported that Philipp Budeikin "plead guilty to inciting teenagers to suicide," having described his victims as "biological waste" and claiming he was "cleansing society." He was held at Kresty Prison in St. Petersburg with charges of "inciting at least 16 teenage girls to kill themselves."[15]
On 26 May 2017, Russian Duma (parliament) passed a bill introducing criminal responsibility for creating pro-suicide groups on social media, in the wake of 130 teen deaths linked to the Blue Whale suicide challenge.[53] On 7 June 2017, President Putin signed a law imposing criminal penalties for inducing minors to suicide.[54] The law imposes a maximum punishment of six years in prison.

Saudi Arabia

On 5 June 2017, a 13-year-old boy committed suicide in his room, where his body was discovered by his mother. The boy used his PlayStation wires to commit suicide. His death has been linked to Blue Whale.[55]


A 13-year-old boy in Velika Plana injured his hand, telling his parents that he had done so because of Blue Whale. The parents reported the case to the police.[56]


In Spain, a teenager was admitted to a psychiatric unit of a Barcelona hospital after her family said she started playing Blue Whale.[57]

Saturday, May 20, 2017

The man who is breathing his last breath.......-Titan Rozario

Ibne Batuta Roton (42) from Rajshahi knows that he is going to die. Doctor announced his lifetime till 28 June 2017. He is suffering from liver cancer. Roton is a rickshaw puller. I hired him when my wife and me were going to hospital for test on last Thursday. On the way I noticed he was too slow then the other rickshaw pullers. He was touching his back and groaning frequently. When we got down from the rickshaw, I asked him whether he was suffering from the back pain. He just sat down and began crying. He told, “I am suffering from liver cancer. I know, I shall die soon.” He hid his face behind the hands. I lost my speech. I had a little time to talk to him, so I asked his mobile number. I told him, I shall contact him later. I paid him as much as I could (little more than the fare). From then on, I was feeling guilty thinking that I rode on the rickshaw of a dying man. He was pulling the rickshaw as Jesus carried the Cross. Today I phoned him late afternoon. One of my colleagues and me went to meet him. He was waiting for us in front on Pallabi Thana. He was sitting on the foothills of the rickshaw bending the head on the knees. He was looking very tired. He stood up seeing us. I ask him first, “Did you eat anything?” He said, “No”. He told, he used to live with his cousin sister’s family, he had to shift his things to another place because the brother-in-law considers him a burden. Whole day he shifted the things slowly. He could not earn today. I offered him something to eat. He wanted to drink water only. He does not feel hungry only feel thirsty. Again I told him to take at least a banana and a loaf. He took and there were so many thanks on his eyes. He began to speak about his past life. He completed HSC in 1993. Then he started working in ACME Pharmaceutical as a marketing associates. In 2015, used to become sick frequently. The company dismissed the job giving 1 lac taka when they knew Roton was suffering from liver cancer. Once he became very ill and was senseless for 15 days. He had to sell all his land (about 6 bighas) for the better treatment in Madras. But he had no improvement. He became very poor. He had to beg to the relatives for continuing the treatment. He saved 1 lac and 20 thousand taka begging from the relatives. He gave the money to his wife to keep it safely. That day the wife fled with the money. 

"Why thou, loss upon loss!" (SHYLOCK-Act-3, Scene-1) The Merchant of Venice 

 Now he has to take injections twice a week. An injection costs 1100 taka. It becomes very hard for him to pay the injection cost. Doctor told him to eat the foods he likes. Doctors announced his life time till 28 June 2017. He is too poor to buy foods and the medications. I know, he will die but I wish he smiles before he dies. I wish he takes rest at least a day without pulling the rickshaw. I wish, at least once he eats good foods before he dies. I wish, he gets every injections and medications till he dies.
Any kind of help or of any amount from anybody is appreciated.

Friday, March 10, 2017

মথুরাপুর ক্যাথলিক চার্চে দূরবৃত্তদের হামলা, নৈশ প্রহরীকে কুপিয়ে জখম, আটক ৩

শুক্রবার আনুমানিক রাত ৩ টায় পাবনার চাটমোহর উপজেলার মথুরাথানা ভারপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তা আহসান হাবিব ঘটনাস্হল পরিদর্শন করেন এবং এলাকাবাসীকে আসস্হ করেন।সকাল৯!টায় চার্চের পালপুরোহিত ফাদার দিলিপ এস কস্তার সভাপতিত্বে ও স্হানীয় ইউপি চেয়ারম্যান সরদার আজিজুল হকের উপস্হিতিতে চার্চের বিভিন্ন অঙ্গ সংগঠন বৈঠক করেন। বৈঠকে মামলা ও পরবর্তী কার্যাদি সম্পর্কে সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া হয়।পরে সকাল ১১ টার দিকে পাবনা পুলিশ সুপার মো জিহাদুল কবির,সহকারী পুলিশ সুপার মোছা শামিমা আক্তারসহ বিজিবি Rab এর বিশেষ টিম ঘটনাস্হল পরিদর্শন করেন এবং অপরাধীদের শাস্তির আশ্বাস দেন।
পুর ক্যাথলিক চার্চে দূরবৃত্তরা হামলা চালায়।দূরবৃত্তরা চার্চের দেয়াল টপকে নৈশপ্রহরী গিলবার্ট ডি কস্তাকে(৬৫) কুপিয়ে গুরুতর জখম করে।দূরবৃত্তরা চার্চের বিভিন্ন ফটকের চাবি নেওয়া চেষ্টা করেল নৈশপ্রহরী গুরুতর আহত অবস্হায় জরুরী ঘন্টা বাজায়। এলাকাবাসী জড়ো হওয়ার পূৃর্বে দূরবৃত্তরা পালিয়ে যায়।পরে গোপন তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে পুলিশ ৩ জনকে আটক করে । ঘটনার পর পর চাটমোহর

Saturday, February 11, 2017

স্থানীয় সরকার, পদ ১৭৪ টি।

Source:   The Daily Ittefaq
Date of the Circular: 04 January, 2017
Last Date of Application: 31 January, 2017
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জেলা প্রশাসকের কার্যালয়


চাকুরি পেতে হলে নিজেকে যেভাবে তৈরী করবেন

Image result for চাকুরিআমাদের নতুন ডিপ্লোমা ভাইয়েরা পলিটেকনিকে ভর্তি হয়েই ভাবেন যে, তিনি খুব দ্রুতই একজন ইঞ্জিনিয়ার হয়ে যাবেন। ১ বছর কাটতে না কাটতে চোখের উপর থেকে যেনো পর্দা সরে যায়। বুঝতে শুরু করেন যে তারা তাদের জীবননে কি ভুলটাই না করেছেন। আর যারা বুঝতে পারেন না তারা আসলে বুঝতে চান না। তাদের ভাবনা থাকে যেমন চলছে চলুক, ডিপ্লোমা শেষে তো নিশ্চিত চাকরি পাবোই।
আসলে এটি আমাদের ভ্রান্ত ধারণা যে ডিপ্লোমা করলেই চাকরী পাওয়া যায়। বাস্তবতা কিন্তু এমনটা আমাদের বলে না। প্রায় ৪০ ভাগেরও বেশি ডিপ্লোমাধারীরা কিন্তু এখোনো বেকার। কারণ একটাই তাদের ব্যবহারিক জ্ঞান নেই। তাই আপানাদের নিকট আগাম সতর্কবার্তা যে আপনারা আগে থেকেই সাবধান হয়ে যান, আর নিজের ক্যারিয়ার নিয়ে সচেতন হউন। ইন্টার্নির আগেই শিখে ফেলুন আপনার বিষয়ভিত্তিক প্রাক্টিক্যাল কাজ। তাহলে চাকুরি আর আপনার কাছে সোনার হরিণ হবে না, আর ঘরে বসে হতে হবে না বয়স্ক বাবা-মায়ের কষ্ট।  ফার্স্ট ইয়ার ডোন্ট কেয়ার, এরূপ মনোভাব ঝেড়ে ফেলুন। দেখবেন আপনি ৫ম সেমিস্টার থেকেই উপার্জন করছেন। আমার অনেক বন্ধুরা কিন্তু ১ম বছর থেকেই অর্থ উপার্জন শুরু করেছিল। আর বাকিরা ২য় ও ৩য় বছর থেকে শুরু করেছিল। কারণ, তারা জানত তাদের সামনে এগিয়ে যেতে হবে।
চাকুরি বা টাকা উপার্জন অত সোজা না। এখন ইন্টারভিউ এ আপনার পয়েণ্টকে যতটা না ভেরিফাই করে, তার চেয়ে আপনি কি কি কাজ পারেন বা ব্যাবহারিক কাজ এর অভিজ্ঞতা কতটুকু সেটা যাচাই করা হয়। তাই আপনার নিজেকে তৈরী করতে আগেভাগেই নিজেকে চাকুরির যোগ্য করে তুলুন।

আপনাকে তাই করতে হবে— 
১. ব্যবহারিক ক্লাস কখনো মিস করবেন না।
২. ব্যবহারিক বিষয়গুলো না বুঝলে এড়িয়ে যাবেন না, প্রয়োজনে শিক্ষকের সহায়তা নিন।
৩. আপনার পলিটেকনিকের, আপনার বিভাগের অধীনে ৩-৬ মাস পরপর কয়েকটা বেসিক ট্রেড কোর্স হয় সেগুলো অনেক অল্প টাকায় করানো হয়। এই কোর্সগুলো করবেন।
৪. আপনি সিনিয়র ইন্সট্রাক্টরদের সহায়তায় আপনার বিষয়ভিত্তিক কাজ কোথায় শিখবেন জেনে নিন।
৫. আপনার বিভাগের মেধাবী বড়ভাইদের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ রাখুন, তারা কি করছে তা জানুন এতে আপনার অভিজ্ঞতা বাড়বে।
৬. শিক্ষানবিশ পার্ট-টাইম জব নিন আপনার বিষয়ে। মেকানিক্যাল হলে—ম্যাকানিকাল শপে, কম্পিউটার হলে কোন কম্পিউটার ফার্মে, ইলেক্ট্রিক্যাল হলে ইলেক্ট্রিক শপে, ইলেক্ট্রনিক্স হলে ইলেক্ট্রনিক্স সার্ভিস সেন্টারে, ফুড ও ক্যামিক্যাল হলে আপনি বিভিন্ন কনজ্যুমার বা ক্যামিক্যাল কম্পানিতে, সিভিল হলে বিভিন্ন ট্রেনিং সেন্টারে গিয়ে অটোক্যাড বা ৩ডি স্টুডিও এর কাজ শিখুন, এভাবে নিজের কাজের স্থল নির্বাচন করে শিখতে থাকুন। তাহলে আপনার ভবিষ্যত হবে উজ্জল।
সার্টিফিকেট এ ভালো পয়েন্ট পাবার ব্যবস্থাঃ
১. শিক্ষকদের সাথে ভালো ব্যবহার করুন, কারণ তাদের হাতেই অনেক প্র্যাক্টিক্যাল মার্কস থাকে।
২. প্রয়োজনে প্রাইভেট পড়ুন, ভালোভাবে শিখতে পারবেন ও শিক্ষকও আপনার অনেক সহায়তা করবেন।
৩. স্যারদের সামনে নিজেকে ফোকাস করুন, স্যাররা আপনাকে আরো বেশি স্মরণ রাখবে।
৪. বিভিন্ন প্রতিযোগীতায় পারুন আর না পারুন অংশগ্রহন করুন, এতে আপনি সবার নজরে আসবেন।

মহিলা ও শিশু বিষয়ক মন্ত্রণালয়, সংখ্যা ২২ টি।

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[11/02/2017] MU* :: MARVEL Avengers Academy tips tricks | Android/iOS | MARVEL Avengers Academy tips tricks : MARVEL Avengers Academy ...
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[11/02/2017] 59ZY * Rally Racer Dirt tips and tricks | Android/iOS
[11/02/2017] 59ZY * Rally Racer Dirt tips and tricks | Android/iOS | Rally Racer Dirt tips and tricks : Rally Racer Dirt Glitch and Glitches.
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As-it-happens update February 11, 2017
Facebook's suite of behemoths have easily surpassed that over the same time frame, while Snapchat has outpaced it as well (though it has slowed ...
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The company has expanded the app features to provide traders with the ability to quickly login or register on using a Facebook account.
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Facebook Sharing Button Doesn't Show
Hi there,. I have added sharing buttons to my blog, but the Facebook button doesn't appear. Pinterest and email buttons are working fine, but no ...
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