Saturday, May 20, 2017

The man who is breathing his last breath.......-Titan Rozario

Ibne Batuta Roton (42) from Rajshahi knows that he is going to die. Doctor announced his lifetime till 28 June 2017. He is suffering from liver cancer. Roton is a rickshaw puller. I hired him when my wife and me were going to hospital for test on last Thursday. On the way I noticed he was too slow then the other rickshaw pullers. He was touching his back and groaning frequently. When we got down from the rickshaw, I asked him whether he was suffering from the back pain. He just sat down and began crying. He told, “I am suffering from liver cancer. I know, I shall die soon.” He hid his face behind the hands. I lost my speech. I had a little time to talk to him, so I asked his mobile number. I told him, I shall contact him later. I paid him as much as I could (little more than the fare). From then on, I was feeling guilty thinking that I rode on the rickshaw of a dying man. He was pulling the rickshaw as Jesus carried the Cross. Today I phoned him late afternoon. One of my colleagues and me went to meet him. He was waiting for us in front on Pallabi Thana. He was sitting on the foothills of the rickshaw bending the head on the knees. He was looking very tired. He stood up seeing us. I ask him first, “Did you eat anything?” He said, “No”. He told, he used to live with his cousin sister’s family, he had to shift his things to another place because the brother-in-law considers him a burden. Whole day he shifted the things slowly. He could not earn today. I offered him something to eat. He wanted to drink water only. He does not feel hungry only feel thirsty. Again I told him to take at least a banana and a loaf. He took and there were so many thanks on his eyes. He began to speak about his past life. He completed HSC in 1993. Then he started working in ACME Pharmaceutical as a marketing associates. In 2015, used to become sick frequently. The company dismissed the job giving 1 lac taka when they knew Roton was suffering from liver cancer. Once he became very ill and was senseless for 15 days. He had to sell all his land (about 6 bighas) for the better treatment in Madras. But he had no improvement. He became very poor. He had to beg to the relatives for continuing the treatment. He saved 1 lac and 20 thousand taka begging from the relatives. He gave the money to his wife to keep it safely. That day the wife fled with the money. 

"Why thou, loss upon loss!" (SHYLOCK-Act-3, Scene-1) The Merchant of Venice 

 Now he has to take injections twice a week. An injection costs 1100 taka. It becomes very hard for him to pay the injection cost. Doctor told him to eat the foods he likes. Doctors announced his life time till 28 June 2017. He is too poor to buy foods and the medications. I know, he will die but I wish he smiles before he dies. I wish he takes rest at least a day without pulling the rickshaw. I wish, at least once he eats good foods before he dies. I wish, he gets every injections and medications till he dies.
Any kind of help or of any amount from anybody is appreciated.

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