Sunday, August 7, 2016

10 Ways to Make Extra Money From Home

Use the skills you have to get the extra cash you need. David Sacks/Lifesize/Getty Images

When you were a kid, you might have dreamed of growing up to become a fashion designer or world-famous architect, but a sagging economy and tight job market have made these kinds of dream jobs hard to come by. Just because your ideal employer isn't clamoring to hire you doesn't mean you have to settle for a boring 9-to-5 job you hate. Create your own dream job!
Nearly 6 million Americans primarily work from home and more than 13 million Americans spend at least one day a week in a home office [source: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Census Bureau]. It may not be much fun to be isolated from peers and you may find yourself waiting by the mailbox for checks, but being self-employed and working from home have some distinct advantages: There's no more stressful commute. Your office is just steps from your bedroom. You even can go to work every day in your Tweety Bird pajamas, if you like. When you need to take a three-hour lunch or two-week vacation, you don't have to ask your boss for permission, because you don't have one. Best of all, the earning potential is unlimited: The more hours you work, the more you earn!
Sound intriguing? Here are a few ideas to get you started on a work-from-home career, plus some tips on avoiding the scammers who try to prey on home workers.

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