Friday, December 9, 2016

Google Alert - facebook

As-it-happens update December 9, 2016
Chaniya Morrison-Toomey, the passenger who posed the question, was referring to Facebook Live, which Hughes had just launched to broadcast live ...
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How to Make Facebook Year in Review Video 2016
It's time for the annual montages to make the rounds on Facebook with the adorable 'Year in Review' videos now available. Here's how to make yours!
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Caffe Rococo Custom Facebook Page
Rococo Coffee Roasting came to SeaMonster with an amazing array of products (a brick and mortar retail venue, a wholesale coffee business, ...
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Showing error and not working facebook API because of version
Using this code we are showing images from my profile but facebook API version issue and showing error can anyone help me to run this code...When ...
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Facebook's Testing its Own Version of Snapchat's Custom Geofilters
Facebook's testing out a new custom Frames tool, similar to Snapchat's custom Geofilters.
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