Friday, December 9, 2016

Google Alert - technology

As-it-happens update December 9, 2016
Starbucks has partnered with the maker of the augmented-reality game, one of a string of sponsorships by major companies. By Ben Rosen, Staff December 8, 2016.
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Facebook's board was sued earlier this year, with investors alleging that their interests were not adequately represented when Zuckerberg was permitted to sell most of his shares and still retain voting control of the company.
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Google is announcing today that it's ready to let developers create "conversation actions," little bots that you'll be able to interact with using the Google Home speaker.
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Facebook is launching a series of new features to help people customize their photos and videos in the social network's continuing battle with Snapchat, an app that put the camera, photos and video at the front-and-center of social interactions.
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