Friday, January 13, 2017

Controversial Sex Life Of 'Mahatma Gandhi' And Its Shocking Revelations

We called him 'Mahatma.' A person of high prestige in a field of endeavor, a great soul which inspired and motivated millions of people all across the globe to fight for their rights, a person who always walked on the path of 'Non-Violence.' But, there certainly is no righteous man on the earth who always does well and never commit sins. After all Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was also a human, and human makes mistakes. You can walk on the right path, follow good things but still some sensitive parts of your nerves always get stretched whenever your emotions get high. From a 'Satyagraha' Icon to a 'Satyriasis', Gandhi always knows how to be in the limelight.
Shhhh! Read it slowly; sometimes the truth can create chaos.

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